This shoot came about on the night that I attended the America's Next Top Model premier for Raina at Drink in Uptown.
See, I've worked with Raina a few times before. One of the few local models that I've actually worked with more than once. Before the night was over at the premier, she had told me that a couple of my images, in a way, helped her get on the show! She had brought them with her to show at the all important second interview that happens when they consider the top 36 for the season starter. As an artist, validation is like oxygen and I was taking a nice deep breath when she told me!! It felt really good that I had something to do with her fate.
That night, she told me that we HAD to shoot again. Raina as a person is kind and sweet and all around wonderful. As a model, she's every photographer's dream to shoot! Of course I agreed!
The next step was to come up with the concept. This was one of the hardest things to do because she had done the show. I know she had worked with some of the industry's best photographers and stylists. I couldn't just do "whatever" here! I had put together some concept images. Some images to help convey the look and feel of the shoot to Raina (and the creative team that I would soon assemble).
Once Raina approved the concept, I put on my producer's hat. My creative team was easy. I've known Hair Stylist, Andy Doan since November of 2008, one of the first (if not THE first) creatives i've worked with. That was a no-brainer. He immediately set to work on her hair pieces built from scratch.
Also a no-brainer was make-up artist, Kate Erickson. The importance in finding professionals who are not afraid to take risks, give great quality work, is imperative to a successful shoot. It's what separates you from the "shutterbugs".
Wardrobe was another matter. I had worked with a few in town. All very good at what they do but they come from commercial backgrounds. I needed someone who had a New York eye for fashion. I recruited my wife Julie to help me get the fundamentals. She was slated to be my clothing stylist for the shoot and was weary of the idea because her area of expertise is as a make-up artist.
On the eve of the shoot, Andy had contacted me and told me of Alice Sydow and her interest to be involved in the project. I was open to the idea but somewhere in the back of my mind, I worried she didn't have the essence of what I wanted to do at such short notice. When she arrived on set, I was immediately set at ease. She's a pro. She came ready to work and had ideas galore! Julie, needless to say, was relieved!
All in all I was greatly satisfied with the results. I knew when I left the studio that day that I had photographs that would stand up to the quality of her ANTM portfolio. And after 21 years of living the life of a photographer, it all still matters. The true challenge is to continually outdo yourself with every consecutive shoot.
Thanks for reading!
To see the images from the shoot, go here or visit my website.
Special thanks to Miles Schuster: Digital Tech and to Kristof Schaper: Assistant.